Hi, my name is David Bradley. I'm a CPA in Dallas, Texas, and I am the IRS doctor. 95 percent of my practice deals with people who have IRS issues, both individuals and businesses that require immediate action. Two of the big issues we often encounter with new clients are bank levies and wage garnishments. When the IRS reaches this point, it usually means that the taxpayer or the company has not appropriately responded to the IRS or failed to follow through on their commitments. As a result, the IRS resorts to levying bank accounts and wages. When someone comes to us with a wage garnishment, it is like DEFCON five, and we need to act quickly to lift the wage levy. There is a specific IRS code that addresses five areas in which a levy release is warranted, which we will discuss later. Are you currently affected by a bank levy or a wage garnishment? A wage garnishment is an ongoing matter where the IRS continuously takes a portion of your paycheck until the employer is notified to stop sending it to the IRS. On the other hand, a bank levy is a one-time event. For example, if you had $100 in your account on Thursday and a bank levy was imposed, the IRS can only secure that $100. The bank is required to hold it for 21 days to allow you to dispute the levy and seek resolution. However, there are fees associated with bank levies, ranging from $250 to $350, charged by the bank. If your paycheck is deposited the following Friday, the IRS is not entitled to that money. A bank levy only applies for the specific day it is imposed, and the IRS can only take the balance up to the amount of the levy. If...
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9423 fax number Form: What You Should Know
When you submit a request for hearing, you will beĀ directed to the Appeals division. If you are not sure which division to contact, call the Appeals' office for theĀ specific number listed on the notice and ask the person to which that refers. If there is no such person, call theĀ Telephone Customer Service number listed on the notice and ask for the person you are looking for. If your request forĀ appeal is notĀ completed and received by the Collection Division within 10 calendar days of the date that you received a message, itĀ will be considered completed, and you will have to submit new information to request additional appeals. Appeals Request ā Form 9423 ā IRS If your request for hearing isĀ completed, submitted in a timely manner and received by the Collection Division in a timely manner the Office of the Chief Counsel may approve your request for hearing and determine your right to pursue an appeal to the Circuit Court of Appeals or the United StatesĀ Supreme Court. You may not appeal theĀ Collection Appeals Division's decision unless you are appealing a final administrative decision. For information on how to appeal a final administrative decision, see: The Department of the Treasury's Circular 230 Publication. The Circular 230 contains information about the rules, regulations, and otherĀ procedures for collecting certain fees, including interest. A copy of this publication may be obtained from theĀ Office of the Chief Counsel, Revenue Operations at. Form 9423: Collection Appeals (CAP) The idea behind Form 9423 is as an opportunity to halt (and modify) an IRS collection that is currentlyĀ in process. Therefore, the IRSĀ Guide to IRS Collection Appeals Program (CAP) & Form 9423 If, however, your case has been assigned to the Collections division, you must first contact them using the number listed on the official notice that you received when you were informed of the assessment. When you submit a request forĀ appealing, you will be directed to the Appeals division. If you are not sure which division to contact, call the Appeals' office for the specific number listed on the notice and ask the person you are looking for.
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